Reconciliation Week 2022
It is a challenge to everyoneindividuals families communities organisations and. It gives all Australians an opportunity each year to learn about our shared histories cultures and achievements and. 2022 Actions To Make Change National Reconciliation Week 2022 I encourage you to go to the LCA Reconciliation Action Plan website to find ways that your local community can be more purposefully engaged in this. . Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are custodians of the oldest continuing culture on earth - their achievements and. Annually from 27 May 3 June. Is a challenge to us all to Be Brave and tackle. National Reconciliation Week from 27 May to 3 June is a time for us to learn about reconciliation with First Nation peoples and explore how each of us can contribute to reconciliation. Alice Springs Town Council was established 1 July 1971 and covers over 410 square kilometres of desert waterholes and mountains of Cent...